This might be my favorite short film of all time. "How To Fly A Kite" revolves around a young man on a mission to start his own cult, in order to expose the truth about the evil alien Hamitars. Hamitars, as he explains, are the intergalactic predecessor to our popular American entree the hamburger. Unfortunately, he is still the only member of his cult, and no one else seems to be interested in learning the nasty truth about Hamburgers, the Blarpin Cube, or Regis Philbin (an evil alien in disguise-- are you surprised?). I love everything about this short film, from the acoustic guitar soundtrack to the half-matching voiceover narrator to the mountaintop climax with another lonely trailblazer. It inspires me because it is a very deliberate kind of chaos; an intentional (and no doubt thoroughly planned) exercise in meandering. I think a feature film equivalent might be something like Lost In Translation. I admire those types of films that make so much work look very effortless, and I think it's easier to enjoy a film that you can let just wash over you without it pounding it's chest and constantly grabbing your attention with high-budget hyper realism. On the other hand, this kind of short/feature is not the most entertaining-->popular-->lucrative. But it's a nice change of pace, at least for me. So give it a try!
How To Fly A Kite from Paul Trillo on Vimeo.
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